Live service. Develop solutions. Design processes.
With a comprehensive service network in Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Benelux, as a manufacturer or distributor of laboratory diagnostics, medical technology and analytics, you receive all the services you need along the service process. With over 6000 service calls annually, the Conworx Technical Service Experts are among the leading providers of medical technology service.
Our services include: field services, in-house services, hotline services, logistics and, of course, the complete administrative processing and documentation of your orders. Use our experience for your success. Living true to our slogan Service, developing solutions and designing processes, there is only one goal for Conworx Service - satisfied customers.
We look forward to your inquiry!
Dieter Kern
executive Director
Contact us
Conworx Service GmbH
Tscheulinstr. 21
79331 Teningen
© Conworx Service GmbH 2024